Urban Nightmare
17th May - Nottingham (Motorpoint Arena)
Game themes: Modern Disaster Response/ Zombie Apocalypse
Gameplay: Team-based / Resource Allocation / Chain of Command / Modern Society Structures / Emergency Services / Military / Press / Crisis Communications / Political
If you're in charge, how would you respond to the zombie apocalypse?
That's what happens in Urban Nightmare - players are senior figures in a fictional US state when the unthinkable happens. So what do you do next? Call out the National Guard, quarantine anywhere you think is infected, accuse your political rival of corruption and then hope they get munched on by the groaning hordes?
Players take on roles like heads of emergency services, military leaders, and political figures such as mayors and senators, along with companies and the press. You'll need to try and manage the spread of the infection, keep everything under control, and stop people panicking!
Think you've got what it takes? Sign up and find out.
Player testimony from previous EMM games:
“Felt as if anything could happen as the ending shocked even the game runners - they were clearly putting in a lot of leg work - no one had anything bad to say about the way it was run.”
“Very welcoming and newbie friendly for my buddies who hadn’t played before.”
“I enjoyed the absolute paranoid backstabbing cluster**** it turned into because of misinterpretations, accidents, stupidity, and of course… It was a great time.”
“Really enjoyed the game, great people and theme. Attention to detail was amazing and the facilitators were supportive.”
Designed by Jim Wallman