2nd March - Leicester - St Martins House
Game themes: Magical Educational Establishment / Institution Management
Gameplay: Negotiation / Resource Allocation / Research / Construction (college & university building) / Non-Combative / Intersectional Teams And Allegiances
Read more about the setting and roles
Have you ever wanted to set institutional policy, argue with fellow academics about research papers, or campaign with your students' union against the injustices of a reactionary establishment... but in an environment that includes fae exchange students, a dragonology department, and a lively debate on the ethics of necromancy?
Collegium takes some of its inspiration from the Oxbridge colleges, mixes in a healthy dose of Unseen University and the Worst Witch, and adds a pinch of Rivers of London and some other mythological elements. Yes, the bursar needs to balance the books and carefully consider the new financial climate in which the college is operating... but the magister (head of the college) wants a new floating enchanted library, so find that cash from somewhere!
Teams are mostly based on the 9 colleges of the University of Hexford (rather than their friendly rivals in the "Odder Place", Wyrdbridge), made up of a magister, bursar, senior tutor, and student envoy. Each college has its own culture and traditions, and in addition to these roles there are also those of the University of Hexford Libraries, Museums and Heritage department, as well as the hard-working media representing the student paper and the Central University Comms team!
You can see some pictures from the Leicester run of Collegium below (credit: Rob Grayston)
Player testimony from this run of Collegium:
“Interesting theme, plus senate meetings were interesting!!!”
“I enjoyed the experience of playing my first megagame, and it was a pleasure to meet all the players. I loved the costumes, the general feel of the game and its theme, and the components were great… I'd definitely like to play Collegium again, and I'm definitely interested in other mega games in the future.”
“Beautiful, high quality components! Free-form nature. Artifacts without rules on them (allowing room for mystery, intrigue, and investigation!). Entertaining & engaging theme.”
“I loved how open the facilitators were to our bonkers suggestions, and how patient they were when we failed to see the apparent danger (such as housing a pulsating, evil disco ball in our illegal nightclub)”
Designed by Charlotte Askew and Rob Grayston
Below: Shields of the colleges of the University of Hexford, with the university’s own shield in the centre